Rotarians and their guests celebrated the festive season with a white elephant gift exchange theme. The festivities were hosted by the Admin committee and held at Lakeland University in Plymouth. After a hearty feast put on by the catering department of the university, Rotarians headed to the bar to be ready to see what was in store for them in those wrapped gifts. It wasn't long before everyone was laughing with hysteria at the sight of President Reed' Snyder's gift. He picked up the biggest wrapped box only to find out that it was nothing more than someone's junk drawer, filled with useful junk including tongue cleaners. As each Rotarian's number was called to either pick a gift or steal a gift, the Snyders did their best to lure Rotarians to steal their gift - much to everyone's amusement. No one was falling for their tactics but chose instead to steal other wonderful gifts that were making the rounds. There were spa gifts and chocolate and snack gift bags. Some were content with their gift and felt no need to go after someone else's gift - showing the true spirit of Christmas - be satisfied with what you have.....just ask Tom Henning...he got a toilet light for those late night trips to the bathrooms. Surely those would help with the
All in all, it was a great half of the year for President Reed and a wonderful evening of spreading the good cheer for the season.
Merry Christmas EarlyBird Rotarians